Thursday 28 January 2010

Sara Fanelli

I have been looking into Sara Fanelli's work and publications including her book 'Dear Diary' which seems extreemly relevant to what I'm doing. Although it's a childrens book, I think it is appealing to anyone who has ever kept a diary. I like that she accompanies the entries with illustrations, rather than leaving the text to stand alone and speak for itself, it brings it to life.

Sunday 3 January 2010

Where is Graphic Design? Blu Moto

I absolutely love this animation. I'm guessing it's a stop motion but I'm not sure. The time it must have taken to create is remarkable. I particularly like the way you can effectively see time running by as the shadows move up and down the wall and along the pavement. I like the way that the artist has used the space available to them to create a really interesting piece of art and design.